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El Cadejo


Dec 10, 2014
Well I love el Cadejo and thought i'd have a go at making my take on it, not trying to clone. Still a work in progress but vapes really nice. Will still buy El CAdejo.

Cactus (IN) 3%
Green apple (Cap) 2.4%
Pear (KH) 1%
Watermelon (IN) 1.3%
Apple (Alc cup) 1%
Sweetner (Alc cup) 0.8%
Koolada 3drops/10ml
15% Menthol (homemade) 3-5 drops/10ml

Perhaps a little sweet and heavy and lacking a bit of spice. Bit heavy on the pear perhaps, and could do with some berries (blueberry/blackberry). Cudnt really notice the koolada at 3 drops so added the menthol.

Mixed at 90% vg, 3mg nic
This is one of my absolute favourite juices. I posted a clone request on reddit/diy_ejuice a little while ago but had no luck.
Thanks for this, gonna have to give it a go!
Like I said the bones of it are there, but this was my 1st attempt so needs a bit of work still.
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