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Eleaf Pico Squeeze "50w"


Aug 27, 2014
Sorry if this has already been covered..

There is no way that my pico limits output to 50w. I've got a fresh battery and a single coil on top at 0.23 ohms. That should be about 70w and I'm sure it's giving it full beans. I put the RDA on another mod at set it to 70w and it's exactly the same vape.

I'm not complaining of course, this is well within the capabilities of my battery and it's a glorious vape with the Wasp on top, but I'm curious about the 50w rating. Anyone else played around with the limits of the Pico Squeeze?
The reason I never went for one was the 50w limit on what is essentially a mech, was I wrong?
well, all i can say is that i am sure that mine does not have such a limit. I assume it has a limit but I don't think it's under 70w.
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