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Electronic cigarette liquids analysis-evaluating potentially harmful ingredients






Short Summary

Dear all,

This is Dimitris from Vapeteam introducing Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos, a well-known and respected researcher on electronic cigarettes safety/risk profile. For those not knowing him, he has been involved in electronic cigarette research since late 2011 and has published several studies in peer-reviewed medical journals as well as made several presentations of his work in international medical conferences. He strongly believes that electronic cigarettes are a revolution in tobacco harm reduction and supports that with further ressearch we can develop better quality products.
A recent study performed by Dr Farsalinos revealed the presence of some potentially harmful-to-inhale ingredients in electronic cigarette liquids. In order to define the magnitude of the problem and provide the solution for the safety of all vapers, we decided to organize this fund-raising campaign and obtain as many e-liquid samples as possible that will be tested in an experienced and highly-specialized laboratory.

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Keep on sharing this and give what ever you can afford. Vendors this is a perfect opportunity to have your eliquids tested for contaminants and to BE INVOLVED in ensuring the safety of vapers and vaping in the future.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give as much as you can and lets get this research done to protect US!
Just noticed that POTV have donated............well done guys, now the rest of us have no excuse!!
Just made another donation, this one from POTV :) will keep adding to it over the next 29 days... come on folks, put off buying that new shiny and fund this instead!
Just made another donation, this one from POTV :) will keep adding to it over the next 29 days... come on folks, put off buying that new shiny and fund this instead!

Indeed, otherwise you might have nothing to vape!
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