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European newcomer


May 10, 2018
Just thought I would stop by to say hi to everyone here on planetofthevapes, since I'm new to the forum. I've been reading the forum here and there for a few days, but I think it is the time to introduce myself :)

I'm Richard, 24 from Lithuania and been vaping for around 5 years now and so far so good, just a cigarette or two in a month, so I guess it's not that bad :) Still not old enough to call myself a decent MTL vaper, like the others, with those fancy epipe mods, but been on the mtl side ever since. Obviously I own some DTL tanks and drippers in my collection, but only use them on rare occasions. My first kit was an eGo battery with Protank 2 and soon after that i bought Innokin itaste MVP box mod with original Kayfun 3.1. The same 3.1 is still on my daily rotation and it might be my all time favourite RTA. I'm the one who just doesn't feel the hype of new trends (like smok tfv256 big king's princess) and likes to stick to old stuff.
@Lomke welcome to POTV

Plenty of "retro vapers" on here I am sure
It doesn't have to look good or cost a load of money to taste good and work well
Hi and welcome from a fellow MTL vaper. Plenty of us here
Hello and welcome.
Nice to have another vaper who knows what they like and is immune to vaping fashion trends.
Hello @Lomke , Nice to meet you Mate !!!
My first kit was a Totally Wicked pen in 2015, 2nd was a Logic Pro pen in 2016, 3rd was a Logic LQD pen in February this year, 4th was a CoolFire 4 with Nautilus 2 tank in March, 5th was a KangerTech Subvod 1000-C also in March, 6th was a SMOK G Priv 2 kit in April.....now I've added a Voopoo Drag mod, 2 Aspire Cleito 120 tanks, and 2 VooPoo UForce tanks. I mainly use my G Priv 2 with the VooPoo tanks, and got my mince pies peepin an Asmodus Minikin 2 mod.

Vaping is fun :D And welcome to the vape ape crew :grin2:
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