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EVOD Custard Cleaning!


Jun 28, 2013
Gave GVC a go, didnt like it. Whats the best way to clean the EVOD to get rid of the taste?

got 30ml of the stuff - will sell it in classifieds once I reach minimum post count.
Wash out, then add a ml of vodka, re-connect and give it a good shake.

This has worked for me with strong flavours:grin2:
i tend to soak the heads overnight in a dribble of vodka then dry burn, remember to take the little cap off when soaking to make sure all the awkward bits get a soaking. alternatively try hypnosis to like the custard, then you can be one of us

OK... took it all apart, rinsed under hot running water, took the wicks out and gave a few dry burns to the atty. dried and re-assembled - no more custard!!!!
You seem to have it sorted.

if tastes are really stubborn, you can soak them in White Vinegar. Then thoroughly rinse. That works on most things.

On an eVod though I'd def recoil it - SS mesh wick with a silica top-wick, clean taste and lasts ages with occasional silica change.

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