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Excited to be here!


Jul 11, 2015
Hey guys, obviously new here. My name is Dan aka semblem. Just turned 32. If this post is a bit too lengthy, my apologies. I have been vaping for about a year and originally started out with an EMOW MEGA Kit to quit smoking (smoked for 15yrs) and was successful. I vape between 3mg-6mg juice. My first boxmod was an Eleaf iStick 50w w/ Kangertech Subtank Mini. I discovered a vape store near my home and I was instantly hooked and wanted to learn everything I could about vaping/juices/rda/rba/etc. I now own 5 boxmods, 5 rba's, 2 rda's and rebuild by own rba/rda's. I use Drago Cotton on my RDA's (Drago Cotton - Vape Titans) and nickel coil on 3 of my box mods (SnowWolf 200w, SMY 260w and iPV3 Li 165{upgraded to 200w} and use .2ohm coils generally depending on mood). I will just list my wares below. My favorite BoxMod atm is my SMY 260w for it's ability to charge all 3 batteries from the Mod itself without having to remove them, it's battery capacity and long life, vast device options and feel. Not sure what else to add but if you'd like to know anything feel free to message me, it would be cool to make some new friends and learn new things. Thanks for reading, Peace!

Sigelei 150w |silver|
SMY 260w |black-carbon_fiber|
SnowWolf 200w
iPV3 Li 165w (upgraded to 200w)
Eleaf iStick 50w

Kennedy Competition RDA |silver|
Tugboat v2 |black w/ silver drip tip|

Sigelei Elite Tank
Kangertech SubTank Mini
Aspire Atlantis v2
HorizonTech Arctic

Efest LUC V4
Efest SODA
2x Efest XXXXXXXX Smart USB Charger which gets hooked up to my Anker 2nd Gen Astro E5 16000mAh Portable Charger
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Welcome from a fellow ape just down I95 from you. Nice gear and intro. Enjoy your time here at the planet.

Hi Semblem,

I'm new here too. Don't really know much about vapes, except that I like vaping (anything fruity and sweet) but am hoping to learn more from being here :)
Hi There and Welcome Aboard! ;)
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