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Fasttech paypal problems sorted

Grizzly Adams

Jun 1, 2013
Just picked this up on Facebook,thanks to original poster
Here's what the fiasco is about:

PayPal sent an e-mail to us about 9 hours ago (at about 11pm HK time) asking if we are in the US (like they don't already know) and if we are US based, they need our IRS tax number. Since it's mid-autumn festival, no one was monitoring e-mail on a holiday midnight.

They've asked the exact same thing in October 2012 by the way. We completed their questionnaire as soon as their e-mail was read just like this time, and they did not lock us out at that time.

Our account became restricted at approximately the same time that e-mail was sent, and as soon as I completed the questionnaire just now, our account has immediately returned to normal status and checking out is fine now.

The questionnaire says that they have contacted us many times without a response. That is simply false. We login to our account numerous times throughout each day to handle and respond to customer requests such as payment disputes. We also have a dedicated account manager who is based in China, and contacts us by phone for all priority matters requiring our attention.

The good thing that has come out from this, is that it has prompted us to start working on adding alternative checkout methods, and we'll begin doing that now. I'll update here when they are ready. Please stay tuned.

I still can't believe this is how PayPal operates but, thank you again for your patience everyone. Again, all is working now -- please try completing your order again if you have seen an error in the past few hours.
Should be well sorted now
Seen it mate they had it sorted yesterday they posted that message in the fasttech forums :)
You naughty boy go sit on the naughty step 1 minute for every year of your life.
I've got a bit of sympathy with FT here - I run an online business and accept Paypal and the customer service is non-existent. Over the years we've had scammers and all sorts of fraud against us and they ALWAYS act on the side of the buyer - even in one case where we had a buyer arrested for fraud and could prove it. Not to mention that it costs a fortune to use but sadly they have a bit of a monopoly when it comes to online payments.

Brilliant if you're a buyer but shite if you're a seller.
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