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Nov 5, 2013
Hi everyone

Got about £60 - £70 to spend on fasttech

Which mod and atty would you recommend I have always used egos/spinners with an EVOD or protank mini so not clued up about anything mods wise.


That would get you a full mod kit, batteries, charger and protank style tank from www.fpecigs.com (I hae no affiliation to them).

I bought a telescopic 18650 mod from them and it's brill, all their mods are clones made by Sigelei and I believe the quality and finish of them to be FAR superior than any of the fasttec clones.

They don't currently have any rebuildable atties in stock (he has Kayfun and Russian clones in soon, I'm waiting for mine!) but your budget would get you the works from him, mod case, batteries, charger and tank. You'd get everything you need while you decide what atomiser to choose, meanwhile you'll be rocking your new mod with a protank.

They carry stock in the UK too so no waiting around on fastec delivery. Their service was brilliant when I dealt with them.
Does it have to be fasttech?

If you have cash to spend and not just FT vouchers:

SS Nemesis clone

Then either :
Taifun GT clone (its 23mm though and the nem is 22mm so you get a tiny lip)


KFL clone


I assumes as you are asking about FT mods and atties you are meaning clones as that is all they seem to do really.
That would get you a full mod kit, batteries, charger and protank style tank from www.fpecigs.com (I hae no affiliation to them).

I bought a telescopic 18650 mod from them and it's brill, all their mods are clones made by Sigelei and I believe the quality and finish of them to be FAR superior than any of the fasttec clones.

They don't currently have any rebuildable atties in stock (he has Kayfun and Russian clones in soon, I'm waiting for mine!) but your budget would get you the works from him, mod case, batteries, charger and tank. You'd get everything you need while you decide what atomiser to choose, meanwhile you'll be rocking your new mod with a protank.

They carry stock in the UK too so no waiting around on fastec delivery. Their service was brilliant when I dealt with them.

Sigelei are you mad!! Lmao there definitely no better quality then most of the decent mods on fasttech :)

Edit just had a little look and there very expensive.
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I only base this on personal experience.

The thickness of the metal and threading seems better thatn the few fastec clones i've handled.

As I say tis company is nothing to do with me but I've had a play with a few of the mods they offer when chosing my telescopic as a spare and they compared positively with the 3/4 FT ones a freiend owns.

My Personal opinion, that's all. couple that with the fact he'll get quick UK delivery AND two batts, charger and a tank to get going with I don't think it's all that bad. :)
I only base this on personal experience.

The thickness of the metal and threading seems better thatn the few fastec clones i've handled.

As I say tis company is nothing to do with me but I've had a play with a few of the mods they offer when chosing my telescopic as a spare and they compared positively with the 3/4 FT ones a freiend owns.

My Personal opinion, that's all. couple that with the fact he'll get quick UK delivery AND two batts, charger and a tank to get going with I don't think it's all that bad. :)

Sigelei is fine but my opinion is there definitely not better in anyway then most of the decent fasttech clones, tbh the battery and charger that comes with them are questionable and personally don't think they should be used.

Over £40 for a sigelei mechanical is ridicule and over £60 for a sigelei with a charger and battery that are questionable at best is also ridicule :(
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I was thinking FT as they are cheap I have a separate budget for batteries and charger which I was gonna get off torchy.

I am thinking clones as I can't justify spending ridiculous amounts of cash on a metal tube lol.
I would definitely recommend buying batteries and chargers separately. As ebayhomepc said about chargers, some of the ones that come with the kits are not good at all. I'd go as far as saying that some are death traps with their Chinese plugs and uk adapters, not a good combo.
I've just taken a JM22 clone kit and it's lovely. Good threads, nice and solid. Also would recomend getting an Smoktech RSST. You'll still have £20 left so maybe some kanthal and ss mesh if they stock it.
Moved this down to the Vendor News and Discussion to live with its family of Fasttech threads
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