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Fatality M25 rta


New Member
Jul 6, 2018
Can anybody help I am currently trying to source (uk) the 'oring' for the top cap of fatality, anybody that owns one will know that if this is not fitted the rta does not complete the seal and leak city.
does anybody know were I can find or does anybody know the size so I can get a few made or find in a general assortment pack, but need the size as a starting point
Big thanks in advance
Sorry cant help, but read that as a fatality M25 road traffic accident...

I'm sure someone will be able to help you soon :)
Did you not get any spare o-rings, is it an authentic or clone? The oring is in there tight, did you remove it to clean or something? if you have spare orings from other tanks or drippers you might get lucky, a case of trying them. Below is the spares pack that can be purchased, not seen a link for UK though.

I've been through all my tanks and the hellvape destiny rta o rings are fit worth a go a lot cheaper they look identical
Posted the question in April and not seen since June but don't let these small inconveniences dissuade you from dredging up old threads, LOL
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