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Fav Flavours?

Every vaper is different. Whilst one will love menthol, the other will prefer dessert.

It is personal preference really.

What do you like?
Love desert type Vapes myself especially in the evening , what about you , if you could only vape one juice what would it be Samantha ?
Taste is subjective, So instead of looking for the most popular flavours look for flavours of stuff you enjoy :)
At the moment, mine are Lemon desert /bakery , Custard Cream and Chocolate. It'll probably be different next month though.
My opinion is that everybody but myself has very poor taste in flavours.
Personally I like baccy flavours but at much weaker concentrations than most folk like.
I have never bought a juice that did not have too much flavour. I mix my own.
i sometimes like a little fruit in my baccy or a little booze flavour.
Sweet juice is wrong and custard is especially wrong and biscuit flavours will destroy any juice.
Much of what I dislike seems popular.
I’m loving the fruit menthols - strawberry, cherry, blackcurrent. Both sweet and refreshing.

Quite liking vanilla custard and lemon tarts too. But these are evening liquids for me.
By the way can anyone recommend a good tobacco flavour liquid? I tried a Cuban cigar and also a tobacco salt flavour. Found both were horrible
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