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Favourite manufacturers and why?


Oct 23, 2013
Hi just doing some research and wanted to know who your favourites are and why?
So favourite devices, mods,e juice and anything else vaping.
There's so much info and reviews all over POTV...spend 5 mins looking around the forum and see how much you can find!
It's a mine field so I was just asking about personal experiences and recommendations :-)
this is why we have review sections have a look there most things will be covered
Yes please use our reviews section. Unfortunately, many manufacturers only deal with vendors and vendors dont often review their suppliers...I dont think Ive ever seen one.

Please keep all research questions for your budding business down here in the Vendor News and Discussion please.
Mods - Atmizoo as the service is perfect, you can get them easy enough and the mods are awesome.
RBA's - Svoemesto because the Kayfun 3.1 simply makes any juice taste better.
Chargers - Xtar because the VP1 tells me how much charge is in my battery.
Batteries - AW because they've never let me down.
All round - Innokin as I've never had a bad product of any kind from them.
Juice - None as I'm still hunting for the perfect juice and two years on still haven't found it.
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