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Fell off the planet for a while.....


Jan 13, 2013
............but now I'm back. Hopefully new and improved!

Hi everyone
I originally joined the forum at the beginning of the year and felt right at home here, but for some reason I fell off the wagon :imstupid

I kept an eye on various threads over the last few months, but didn't have the heart to join in, so sorry folks :whiteflag:

Over the last month or so things have really turned around. I've completely binned the analogues and I've got company. My hubby is now vaping too :yahoo:
I have to say I'm stunned, I never thought in a million years he'd be able to cope without the fags (and happily!) I'm SO proud of him!

Even our 2 best mates have packed in the rollies for vaping recently :happy guys:

So I've come back hoping you'll all forgive me for being such a numpty :buttkisser:
Luckily not done that yet,so well done for getting back on the wagon and good to hear youve got support and converts, keep it up cos you know it makes sense,good luck and welcome back
Welcome back :), no reason to be sorry though, by the sounds of things you just slipped away to regroup, and returned with reinforcements :) .
Thanks for that Roadhoguk, that's a really good way of looking at it and definitely seems apt :grin2:

Been watching a few of your reviews recently BTW and lovin' 'em :rotflmao:
It's quite hard to completely fall off the planet-our gravitational pull is pretty bloomin strong :D
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