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First mod


Jan 24, 2019
Hey guys,

Just wondering what everyone's first set up was? Like proper set up, not those awful ego pens lol.

Mine was a Kanger K Box and Subtank, 40w beast!

I loved that thing and believe it or not, I still have it somewhere.

Nostalgia time guys!

Eleaf istick 40 with a 5ml Nautilus on it. Thought it was the db's at the time.
Eleaf istick 40 with a 5ml Nautilus on it. Thought it was the db's at the time.
Wow the Nautilus. I loved that thing.

I remember buying a Stingray Mech Mod clone from Slowtech and I thought I was the shit. Looking back, I had no idea what I was doing lol.
Mine was a Kangertech Subox mini 50w had that for about 6 months then got a lasimo L1 200w.........
I remember thinking wattage was linked with nicotine strength. Like the higher the wattage the stronger the hit was.

God, I was so stupid haha
Ego kit then 3 weeks later I bought a Vamo v5, Kanger Protank 2, batteries and a charger - loved it in '350 mode. Tank wasn't very good and I battled with it for a couple of months before buying a 5ml Nautilus just after they released the BVC coils - used that solidly for a year or so then got in to rebuildables and a lengthy battle with shinyitis! Five years off the fags next month :)
The Aspire Zelos & Nautilus 2 kit to start with..then another Aspire mod, the Typhon 100w plus a Nautilus Mini. Still all in use today, especially the Zelos & Nauty Mini, now lovingly adorning me wee Kamry pipe...well one of them anyway! :)

I have since acquired quite a bit more kit since..and there's more on the way! A lot more..cos i've just started getting into RTAs.

Done me proud....1 year free of the stinkies, in 5 days time! Yay! :yahoo:
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I had a Vamo v5 too with the pro tank 2 with a cobra drip tip on it i thought it was the biz still got my Vamo in the box somewhere here in doors.......
I remember thinking wattage was linked with nicotine strength. Like the higher the wattage the stronger the hit was.

God, I was so stupid haha

i presume then,quite a few coils got knackered quickly, to begin with then, faceteeth!
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