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Flavour Ban?

Toby iVapour

Jul 12, 2012
We're all wondering what type of flavour restrictions will come in to play...

But this is the first time I've noticed something in Parliament that might give a clue (I don't really know what to make of it, or whether it will come to pass)...

From some chair at the Health and Social Care Committee in Parliament, Tues 6 Feb 2024 -

"The government have gone for, what it seems to be, a complete outright ban...
Well we haven't seen the detail of the Bill yet, but from the regs that we are told, that were announced yesterday at the end of the consultation, it seems like they are going for a ban on disposables and all but menthol in flavours."

I hope he's got that wrong...
it seems like they are going for a ban on disposables and all but menthol in flavours."

I hope he's got that wrong...

Has to be wrong imo, surely no vape shops, online or on the high street can survive by only selling menthol flavours, plus it would lead to a mass migration back to smoking. Also what is the legitimate vape industry in the UK worth - to the exchequer/ all round?
Has to be wrong imo, surely no vape shops, online or on the high street can survive by only selling menthol flavours, plus it would lead to a mass migration back to smoking. Also what is the legitimate vape industry in the UK worth - to the exchequer/ all round?
I dunno what to make of it either...

(and yes, complete end of vape shop industry, if it came to pass)
Oh dear.... this is bad, just listening to them....it's over
At least Professor Hajek was making some important points beforehand -
In his evidence to the Committee’s enquiry into the prevention of harms and ill health caused by smoking, alcohol, drugs, and gambling, Professor Hajek observed that the prevalence of smoking in the UK is declining, particularly in younger people. He added that there is no evidence that vaping is a gateway into smoking, but some evidence that it is a gateway out of smoking.

He noted that countries where vaping had been banned showed a slower decline in smoking rates compared to countries such as the UK and the USA where vaping was permitted. Even Australia’s aggressive pricing of cigarettes had not achieved the decline in smoking evident in the UK.

Pointing out that vaping is in fact much less addictive than smoking, he highlighted the ‘horrific misinformation’ about health risks from vaping, which has prevented many people from making the switch. Communicating the enormous difference in risk between smoking and vaping as a way to encourage people to choose activities safer than smoking was a priority, he added.

In response to the committee’s questions, Professor Hajek said that while research shows that smoking is more attractive to the socioeconomically deprived, adoption of vaping could also make a substantial difference for the health of this population. He added that a suggested ban on vape flavours, which are partly responsible for the success of vapes and concomitant decline in smoking, would be against the interests of public health.
Hmm. She said that wide ranging flavours have been an important part of adult e-cig use for a long time. She seemed more interested in the way flavours are marketed than the actual flavours themselves.

I would both hope, and imagine, that the gov will seriously struggle to get such draconian restrictions in force regarding flavours, if they tried. Limiting flavours solely to menthol would drive an enormous number, if not almost all, adults out of vaping and would discourage smokers from switching.

Can't see that happening. It's totally contrary to everything that's known and even if the government is bat shit crazy, I would expect considerable dissent from outside of the bat shit crazy government to force a rethink.
I thought there was talk of there being a second public consultation due shortly so the public could be allowed an opportunity to put their views before they decided on their proposals. This sounds more like they have already decided.
Re the money side of things, this article is long, mind boggling and vomit inducing. These are the people who are in a big way responsible for the massive threat to vaping. A taster:

May 2023

In the UK alone, the category (vaping) is now worth around £1.2bn and is expected to reach £1.4bn in the next three years, with around 35% of current vaping volume sales taking place in the traditional retail channel (ECigIntelligence).

The growing popularity of disposable products led to a significant rise in the number of vapers in the UK in 2022, increasing from 3.7m in 2021 to 4.3m in 2022 (ECigIntelligence).

“It’s clear that there will be continued demand from consumers for vaping products in 2023 and to tap into this rising trend, retailers need to ensure they are dedicating sufficient space in store for vaping products and stocking the right range for their customer base,” comments Tom Gully, Head of Consumer Marketing UK&I at Imperial Tobacco.

Recent data shows that both closed pod systems and basic open pod systems remain popular choices for vapers, accounting for 17% of the UK vaping market (ITUK).

“In order to tap into this trend, we’d recommend that retailers stock a range of leading pod systems, including our newly launched blu 2.0 device,” adds Gully.

There is also significant growth in the disposables category. Now worth 83% of all vape sales (ITUK), the market saw a remarkable increase from £141m in 2021 to £973m in 2022 (ITUK). In order to cater for this growing demand, Imperial has recently announced its entrance into the expanding disposables market with a new blu bar vape range.

One way or another flavours are going to be available, they`re made for the food and drinks industry, who wants menthol flavour lemonade or chocolate cake, I`m sure some will find their way into e juice
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