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Flavour Treats by Ohm Buy - Bulk Buy Nic Shots and Salt Shots - Van Dykes Vapes


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Jul 18, 2012
New to us 100ml Shortfills from the excellent OHM BOY - the Flavour Treats Range now in Stock - Pod Salts 10ml Nic Salt Flavour restocked - and a wider choice of Nicshots for your shortfills - and our stoptober price reductions are still enforce!

Flavour Treats 100ml Shortfills by the excellent OHM BOY - now available
for those of you that like a cloudier dessert or sweet E-liquid from time to time - we are pleased to announce we are now stocking the excellent Flavour Treats by the Ohm Boy Boys! A set of great flavours at great prices ... the Waffles are to die for.

Nic Salt Nic Shots now available - save big on bulk buy Nic Shots

We have extended our range of Nic Shots for use with the shortfills we sell, we are now doing 20mg Nic Salt shots for those of you that prefer a salt nicotine and less throat hit. You can save big on Nic Shot Costs with us with bulk buys, with Nic Shots coming in at as little as 46p in some of our bulk buy options!

Show me those shots!

Van Dykes Vapes
The Man, The Myth, The Legend - The Bowler Hat.

Our mate Jamie has sadly stepped out of the game to concentrate on more cerebral and Earth shattering pursuits, Rumour has it he can be found haunting the mountains and waterways of deepest darkest England, buy him a beer if you come across him surfing the ley lines of the good old English countryside.

But! be not too sad, The Spirit of Van Dykes Vapes lives on through us - we are slowly restocking his products - and soon will have his main flavours available in our usual 3mg, 6mg and 12mg Shortfill Varieties - currently you can find 50ml Shortfills on the site - over the next few weeks we will be adding 10mls and many other things.

Leaf is a new range of affordable all day tobacco vapes by Manabush.

Manabush are known for tobacco E-liquids, historically we create a tobacco E-liquid base, then create several different tobacco based flavours using that same base.

This range is a little different - This time around each e-liquid in the range is a different tobacco flavour. This is the first three in this range.

We will be expanding on those individual flavours in a sub range of this range called "Twisted Leaf”. So keep your eye out for that. We already have some candidates for that aside and are very excited about where we can take both "Leaf" and "Twisted Leaf"

As is becoming usual for us - each of these carefully crafted straight tobacco Juices are available in 50ml Shortfill for 3mg vapers, 30ml Shortfill for 6mg vapers and 30mg shortfill for 12mg vapers. They all come with the relevant Nicshots required to make them up to the correct strength.

A special note about the Cafe Cigarillo, while suburb in normal atomiser has also been especially formulated to give long Life in POD systems. And has been tested to nigh on two weeks in an evolve reflex.

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