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Fogger V3 :(


Oct 27, 2013
After being away all weekend i arrived home this morning to find my Fogger V3 waiting for me. on inspecting it i could see a very small chip on the bottom of the pyrex tank, not to bothered i put it on my evic to test the resistance hit the button to check for hot spots and pop. there goes the coil. so i instantly had to rebuild it. bummer. so done away with the mesh hybrid wick and put some cotton wool in using twisted .15 kanthal at 1.4 ohms. little test with some juice in and all was well. so filled it up, gently screwed down the fogger cap and the bloody pryex split out from that little chip. GUTTED!:banghead:
I'm waiting (and waiting) for one from FT, I hope mine's better than yours....
mine was from a uk vendor so hopefully they can help??? i have however just ordered two replacement tanks from the US a steel one and a glass one $16 including shipping.
Yeah the glass is a bit rough round the edges. Your vendor should take care of you in a jiffu!

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No one should do a thing with their Foggers until they've gone through the safety checklist to eliminate potential shorts in the device...most importantly being the washer on the 510 pin.

Then, never use the stock mesh/coil wick. Remove it, bin it, sacrifice it to the Gods of Vaping.
i checked the adjustable pin first. its a smaller looking screw than the V2 with a cross head as are the + & - for the coil. it showed no short on the evic and that thing is pretty sensitive. The coil wrap tho was shocking on it. as soon as i pressed the fire button the coil just burnt straight through.
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