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For Swaps: Space Jam, Snake oil etc


Jul 25, 2014
Got a few liquids for trade! Some were swaps, some were bought new. Most recent was space jam I ordered and didn't love! Just got it, tried it, it was okay, but not my thing!

Space Jam Astro - 12mg; about 14.5ml. Practically full and new. It's tobacco with a salty overtone. I would say kinda almost salted caramel and tobacco

Kind Organic Granny 'Tart' Smith - 18mg; about 7/8ml. Obv it's an apple flavour. More smooth and fruity than tart IMO.

About 40ml. All quality liquids. What have you got!? I'll take a good (not fast tech) kayfun, an Atlantis with a few coils, or some equally good quality liquids: preferably tobacco, 0-12mg, would consider desserts, but nothing super sweet, more Apple and cinnamon type stuff ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1420222404.613320.jpg

Red Astaire and snake oil gone, just space jam and kind organic juice left
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