Mmmm, the memories, I'd be interested in this too, hopefully some genius has managed to nail this.
It wont be easy. Triphammer spent months getting it right, he nailed it in the end..
Fruit Salad
And his Drumstix are spot on...
Yep i have got some from these too and its very much like themDon't have a recipe, but i have used the fruit salad flavouring from these guys, and it is pretty much bang on. You need to use a fairly high concentration, but it's cheap enough to buy.
30ML Extra Strong Concentrated Flavourings For E Liquids - DIY Eliquids - E Liquids
They're Raspberry and Pineapple I believe. I used to love these as a kid.. On the to do list they go.
Refreshers were one of my favourites too.. That's another one I need to play with.