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funny things you've done while vaping


Jan 15, 2018
I once put a coil in upside down! and coughed a lung up. reusing a burnt coil.
I once put a coil in upside down! and coughed a lung up. reusing a burnt coil.

Somebody on here (not me), about 6 months ago....
somehow had their hand over a coil they just wound & installed,
was test firing the coil and took a pic of their hand etched with a nice coil burn impression

wish I could remember who it was but was a classic

dumbest thing I've done (a few times)
was leave the lid open on tank (Zenith)
then wondered where the fuck all that juice is coming from
(nothing that dumb, or a Nautilus 2 that just pissed all over me if coil unscrewed when filling)
nothing out of the ordinary to be fair

In other matters, in a variety of other situations I'm a walking disaster
this bloke has got nothing nothing on me but I'm not gonna list them.....

Touch side of dripper to lips to see if it's getting too warm. No top-cap. Red-hot clapton up each nostril..
Paid £30 or thereabouts for an Evolve kick module (remember those lol).
Installed in my Nemesis mech and then installed a battery, wrong way round as it happens, and instantly fried the kick. Doh!
Filled the topside with 10ml juice before work, forgot to put cap back on, in pocket got in car and 10ml of juice in my pocket

Worst and most painful one was when pissed up re-wicking the profile rda then taking a blast on the mesh at 65w, forgetting I hadn't put the top cap or drip tip back on, a nice mesh burn to the lips !!!! Cant really say either were funny though well not to me
i was rebuilding an RTA and vaping an RTA, same type of mod for both. build, vape, build, vape. pick up the one I'm building and fired a bare coil on my lip. made a perfect impression lasted like a week. won't be doing that again, once is definitely enough :|
Watching the footy, Aussie rules, getting carried away cheering, vaping and drinking. Had just taken a huge drag then kind of swallowed wrong at the same time. For the next five minutes I was burping little vape clouds, maybe a dozen of them in that time. Had heard it happen to somebody else once and thought they were having me on, apparently not.
Charged battery for my Rincoe Mechman 80w Mod and spent 5 mins wondering why it would not fire ... then noticed I had not put the battery in :thud:
Forgot to trim the coil leads in my horus, lead shorted with chamber creating a solder blob. Unable to open the tank as the air flow rotates and it was stopping on the solder blob. Remove 510 screw, and slowly rotate the base until it came of the build deck. Remove the deck and dremel the solder so I can use the tank again.
Vaped half a day on the wrong coil ( changed tanks without turning the mod on) and wondering why is vaping strange
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