Planet of The Vapes forum does not and will not allow discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status, or status in employment/unemployment. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed directly to the Admin of the forum by using the report function found on posts or by emailing us using the Contact Us link.
You all know I am not one for lyrics when it comes to chiding you lot for our rules... so I will try to get my point across without being a total gun wielding chunt.
We all know that the above can be sensitive subjects for our members. I'd like to just point out to everyone, that by continued use of this site, you all agree to this very important part of our terms and conditions.
Our forum members come from all around the world and we all live our lives by the choices we make, the areas we are from, the cultures we grew up in, our religion, or just by plain happenstance. Each and every one of us is different.
Keep in mind, other peoples feelings when you are about to post a comment or thread... if it is going to offend someone, please re word it or don't post it at all.