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Good mix from bad. Blackcurrant & Lemon


Oct 29, 2013
Just thought I'd share a new flavour I stumbled on.
I mixed up 20% banana and 3% lemon 3% sweetener in a 40/60 pg VG mix. I went heavy on the VG because I know lemon can be a bit harsh. The lemon over powered the banana. Not a sniff of banana.
I got halfway through a tank and topped it up with a 20% blackcurrant mix with 3% sweetener and 2% sour.
Together they are great. A hint of lemon and a blackcurrant sweetness. The blackcurrant could be slightly stronger so I think I'll up that when I do the next mix. I also think I'll drop the sour and add a little more lemon.
So I think the recipe for this will be
15% blackcurrant
3% sweetener
2% lemon
In a 45/55 pg VG mix

Tasty ;-)
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