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Goodbye Microcoil and Cotton.


Jul 26, 2012
Don't knock it until you've tried it, that's my motto. So, I tried it, so I can now knock it.
I loved the neatness and compactness of a tightly wound microcoil, as well them being probably the easiest coil style on the planet to form. That's where any 'plus sides' ends for me.
Having given the cotton/microcoil thing my best shot for all of 2014, I conclude that it's just not for me. Whether using a dual coil or single coil set up and with resistances from very low sub ohm up to 'normalish' 1.5 ohms my vaping experience has been no better than simple, hand wrapped coils over silica, with the same ohms.
What was worse, for me anyway (and we are all different) is that cotton muted flavour! I am definitely from another planet! Everyone else seems to get on well with, and favour cotton/microcoil set ups.
Tis all a bit of a shame really, because I'm very much a lazy vaper, and a nice microcoil that lasts a long time, with nowt else to do but change the cotton when required, would have suited me down to the ground. bah! :banghead:
Been trying the same yesterday and today and can't get the results that the double navy nest gives in the kayfuns. Two of trying got them working without a problem but flavour didn't match silica at all.
Guess it's different for everybody. Just sitting back with powow sauce,1.5 ohms with silica and lovin it.
Will try the micro coil with silica using straw technique later though. Apparently it's a great
Vape with a single 3mm St

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I also prefer silica over cotton for taste but like the ease of re-wicking that cotton gives.
I suppose there may well be a lot more to the cotton/silica lark than I am prepared to investigate further. I mainly vape tobacco (and/or tobacco-fruit combos), and it could be that the flavours I vape just don't work so well with cotton.
Don't knock it until you've tried it, that's my motto. So, I tried it, so I can now knock it.
I loved the neatness and compactness of a tightly wound microcoil, as well them being probably the easiest coil style on the planet to form. That's where any 'plus sides' ends for me.
Having given the cotton/microcoil thing my best shot for all of 2014, I conclude that it's just not for me. Whether using a dual coil or single coil set up and with resistances from very low sub ohm up to 'normalish' 1.5 ohms my vaping experience has been no better than simple, hand wrapped coils over silica, with the same ohms.
What was worse, for me anyway (and we are all different) is that cotton muted flavour! I am definitely from another planet! Everyone else seems to get on well with, and favour cotton/microcoil set ups.
Tis all a bit of a shame really, because I'm very much a lazy vaper, and a nice microcoil that lasts a long time, with nowt else to do but change the cotton when required, would have suited me down to the ground. bah! :banghead:

and there was me thinking you'd discovered the delights of mesh and rope
and there was me thinking you'd discovered the delights of mesh and rope

hahahaha sparkyjuice my (very successful) adventures with mesh inserted ekowool within the Taifun, are, sadly, now history, a great vape, but doing two jobs when I only needed to do one, was way to much effort for a lazy arse like me, although I do still succumb to the chore of eko with a silica insert.

I pretty much missed out on mesh, as I bypassed the geni style thingies.
hahahaha sparkyjuice my (very successful) adventures with mesh inserted ekowool within the Taifun, are, sadly, now history, a great vape, but doing two jobs when I only needed to do one, was way to much effort for a lazy arse like me, although I do still succumb to the chore of eko with a silica insert.

I pretty much missed out on mesh, as I bypassed the geni style thingies.

I have been through a ribbon and cotton phase of late, having been a big fan of micro and silica
I am now leaning more and more to mesh for fruit vapes in tanks (genesis)
ribbon also works for me for everything else for flavour and piss easy coiling
but we are all different I guess.
I found that cotton gives a huge improvement over silica in clearomisers, so haven't actually tried silica in my RBA's. Is there any particular one that you like?
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