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GP for KF

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Jan 15, 2014
Please see edit at bottom of description

KFL+ V2 Hcigar Kayfun Light plus V2

In exchange for this delightful but currently unused...

GP Paps 18650 Mod Gp Paps Stainless Steel edition mod clone - M-Vapes
RRP is currently £25 but I'm sure it was £30 last time I looked :S

Here's a pic... ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1403717727.053055.jpg
(Pic shows my KF on the Paps but I likes it so much I want another [greedy]

Thanks for looking.

Additional: if you're a brass fan I do have a Stingray clone available. PM for details/pics/etc

EDIT: Stingray has gone.
I'm gonna buy an eXpromiZer (is it capital X + Z?) and really could do with a 23mm mod to use with it. I'll still chuck in an extra (a 22.5mm;)) mod and maybe a couple of other bits n bobs (if the mod is right) to go with the beautiful Paps clone.

All the very best
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Will also include a SPECIAL bonus item in this trade (choice of two) *woooo*

Just to be clear ;) SPECIAL bonus item will be either an extra mod or a dripper (not just some juice, drip tip, etc)

See above.
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ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1404596453.528327.jpg

Shiny brass button (it's quite zoomed in but you get the idea)

Just want to point out this has a bit of a custom finish with a slight brushed fade from top to bottom. It's quite subtle but looks really great in the right light. :)
Maybe I won't buy an eXpromiZer. I don't know, I've vape funds in my Paypal account they're burning a hole in my pocket.
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