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Great gifts and big sale is coming now, don't miss it!

Dear customers,

The Crazy Christmas Season Started!

To celebrate the upcoming Christmas and New Year, we have prepared a great gift for all of you:

3% OFF for ALL ORDERS. Based on Wholesale Pricing. Coupon code is: EMXMSD


1. Available time: Dec. 9, 2016 - Dec. 22 and Dec. 26 - Jan. 9

2. The coupon "EMXMSD" can be used as many times as you can, without time limit.

3. All customers included.

4. Promotion products not included. Check all promotions here: Promotions -Elegomall

5. Check here to know how to use coupon: Blog - 4 Steps to Show You How to Use Coupon Code on Elegomall -Elegomall
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