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Greetings from Cacuqecig & Coming Giveaway...


Oct 11, 2016
Hi All. This is Brian from Cacuqecig.com, so thrilled to be a member of POTV here.
Well, I would say Brian is a fine guy from China, but he's kind of boring as well.
But, the vaping website he represents for is so much interesting...
And I'll tell you guys how...


Yep, this is Cacuqecig.com.
1. First of all. You should know that Cacuqecig is extremely friendly to all vape dealers, especially the ones who running maller business.
No MOQ. This is pretty awesome for anyone who with less quantity requirement.
No bargaining. The price is very friendly & competitive.
The whole processes are just smooth.

2. Flash Sale.

We'll choose 2 hot sale products every day. The 2 products will be in the promotion page.
Well... Guess I don't need to explain more.

3. Auction

This is pretty fun as well. Easy to understand, you offer your bid, and whoever offers the highest bid in the given time will win the products.

4. Monthly Activity:

Every month, we'll think of different activity for all regular customers and new customers. Plenty gifts are waiting for you.

5. Community

In our community, you can find tons of information including new product preview and market updates. What's more, if you want to know our daily stock updates, then keep an eye on this board >> http://www.cacuqecig.com/en/forum/daily-stock-updates/
You'll know what products is coming to our warehouse.

There are much more interesting stuffs in our site and I didn't mention yet.
But I'll leave them as surprieses for you. And of course, if you find something, please share them here. Thanks.

And, if you guys still got any question about our site or anything about vaping. You can let me know. Thanks.
oooh $200 minimum order is a little steep.

@Cacuqecig how do you become a verified member? so I can get "big discount"?
i filled out the info that's relevant to me as an "end user" and it still shows
Complete your account information, be verified member and get big discount!
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$200 moq plus your customs fees and vatwill be nearer $300 once thats gone on
Oh and just so you know examples Hotgig DX75 cacuq price $107.89 Gearbest $64 odd
pico kit cacuq price over $48 fasttech from $34 odd
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$200 moq plus your customs fees and vatwill be nearer $300 once thats gone on
Oh and just so you know examples Hotgig DX75 cacuq price $107.89 Gearbest $64 odd
pico kit cacuq price over $48 fasttech from $34 odd

im figuring the price will be quite a lot less once verified, kind of like elegomall does once you log in.

still cant figure out how to get verified!!! lol
Well. That's correct. And to be honest, that's how we tell if the customer is end user or actually running vape business.
im figuring the price will be quite a lot less once verified, kind of like elegomall does once you log in.
View attachment 106851

still cant figure out how to get verified!!! lol

Hi Silentg.
Sure that if you become our verified customer, the price will be much more competitive.
And actually, our customer service team will help you to make your account verified if they think you're running vape business.
Or you can talk to our customer service team online directly. :)
Hi Silentg.
Sure that if you become our verified customer, the price will be much more competitive.
And actually, our customer service team will help you to make your account verified if they think you're running vape business.
Or you can talk to our customer service team online directly. :)

so you have to run a vape business?

thats me finished already, im an end user only :(
Well. That's correct. And to be honest, that's how we tell if the customer is end user or actually running vape business.
This is your problem. Nearly everyone on this forum is an end user. Not many of us have a vape business. So good luck, i think you are going to need it as most of us are not going to buy from you
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