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Greetings from Surrey


New Member
May 1, 2014
Hi all - this is my first post.

Have been off the ciggies since first week of December 2013, replacing those with Nicolites / 10Motives from the supermarket - took to the whole substitute cig thing like a duck to water. A couple of the lads at work took me to our local vaping shop in mid-March where I upgraded to iClear 16s and a couple of standard eGo batteries in a starter kit. That was it - caught the bug and am well into it now.

So I've been through the single coil non-rebuildable iClears, graduated to dual coil iClear 16s, then EVODs and Protank Minis (both II and III), bought a couple of VV batteries, dipped my toes in rebuildable dripping atomisers, went all variable watt and indeed this evening rebuilt my first 2 or 3 Kanger EVOD coils from Kanthal and silica wicks. All since mid-March. Thank God for the internet - how on earth did we ever find out stuff before the digital age??

It's quite a lot of fun this, isn't it?
Hi and welcome

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
hi mate it is fun isn't it,,,,,,way funner than fags!

sunny TeesDale in the north east
:2thumbsup: Nice of you to join us!!!
Hello and welcome!! Are you going to the vape meet this Saturday in London?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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