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greetings :)

Hello and welcome to the Planet!!:welcome2:
Have a look around the forum, read the wikis and post away. Ask all the questions you want. There are a load of friendly people on here with loads of experience.
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HI from another noob 10 days in only 1 real smoke :welcome2: and loving every minute. never thought i would be able to give up I have already up graded from a cheap ego to a MPV2 vv/vw. the wife Still smokes BUT said if i last 3 weeks (i know random as fuck for a time limit) she will give up
WE SHALL SEE. I have been eyeing up a few nice "lady like" starter pack for her
Im addicted to shiny new vapes and flavours so spending more than I am saving but I CAN BREATH I CAN SMELL I CAN TASTE.
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