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- Mar 4, 2015
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Well having been browsing the site for a few weeks I thought I would join up and litter another corner of the internet with my thoughts 
I've Been a smoker for 25 Years, but as I crossed the 4 decade mark I found that smoking was no longer the pleasure i thought it should be. So I tried to give up But I just couldn't give up the dreaded smokes. Move on a few years from then and vaping arrived in a big way
I holiday in the states so whilst there last october I grabbed myself an ego and some various juices. Meh it was OK but not quite what I was looking for. Then a friend saw my setup and thought they would try things, Being as they always needed to go a bit better they came back with a Vamo 15W and a Nautilus tank, Oh my this was so much better. I made my decision and grabbed a bunch of kit when I went back to the states at Christmas and since then have been vaping quite happily. For a while I was still smoking the occasional cigarette but I now haven't had a cig for coming up to 4 weeks. Which for me is a new record.
My Current vaping Kit
Vision Spinner 2 with Aspire K1 BVC (My driving vape)
Eleaf 30W with either Aspire K1 BDC or Tobh 2.5 Clone attachment (My day time vape)
Vamo 40W (Clone??) with Kangertech Subtank (1:1 Clone) (My Evening and long time between refill vape)
For my own coils, Usually go for a dual coil 1.2 Ohm setup in the TOBH using Muji Cotton
For everything else I just buy the Kanger or Aspire replacements, I figure its worth the money
I have various Juices from various different places, Those I can remember are below, Note that flavour is subjective and something I don't like you may think is great
Hangsen 10ml bottles all 18mg nicotine, I got these when I bought the EgoTwist so have had them a while. I learned you mostly get what you pay for.
Hangsen - Mocha (Meh its not the greatest, but it has improved massively with steeping)
Hangsen - Mango - Not Mango at all imho it's very chemical tasting
Hangsen - Chocolate Strawberry (Nope not enjoying this very much, but it did become vapable when I accidentally mixed to menthol)
Hangsen - Cherry mix Cola (Horrible, a totally fake Cola cube taste)
Hangsen - Fruit Mix, Lychee, These are still unopened and I will probably just give to someone as I feel that 18MG is too high a nicotine level
Puff King - 15ml glass bottles with droppers, I got these when I went back to the states in Dec, Not sure why I got them, probably the name
Puff King - 2 Berries (Enjoyable enough but needed to steep for a while, Is improved by adding a touch of Vanilla Shake)
Puff king - Vanilla Shake - As a vape on its own it is just too rich for me, But it is very good at helping other flavours along
Puff king - Pineapple - Nope this is not the pineapple for me, Its not bad but it is more Pineapple kube then fresh pineapple
Nicohit - 11mg - Rhubarb and custard, I got this off of Ebay, wasn't really expecting much at about £1.70 a bottle. But it tastes just like the sweets so has become one of my regular day vapes
Valiant2vape - 10ml all 6 or 8mg nicotine, I don't know how most of these taste other then the Strawberry custard which is very pleasant but a review I saw said it contains Diacetyl

What else, I have a local vape shop in southend, Vape & Juice, I got some of their Rhubarb and custard as I really really like Rhubarb and custard
Lastly I wanted something a little better and going from various reviews I decided to get some 30ML bottles from The Alchemists cupboard
All of these are 0% Nicotine which means I can vape more of them and not get any throat issues and it means that non smokers who are intrigued by the idea of vaping are more inclined to try
American Apple Pie, This is currently my daily vape which I often chase down with the Mocha, When asked why using 2 different pen I just say I need coffee with my Pie
(My only issue with this flavour is I feel it needs more apple and less crust flavour).
Lychee and Raspberry Sorbet, I really like this one it has a a slight tingle and it makes me think of Refreshers
Vanilla Fudge, It's like taking a chunk of devonshire fudge and just letting it melt in your mouth
Rhubarb and Custard, Anybody seeing a theme
I'm saving this one until I get through the 60ML of cheap stuff, It should be nicely aged by then
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, If I could only have 1 vape flavour for the rest of my life this one could be it. (Sorry Rhubarb & Custard) Best of all it makes the house smell of freshly baked brownies.
I've also started mixing my own juices, I am currently working on a request from my wife, She calls it the elvis killer, and it is based on the Twisted Elvis from Local Yok'l food wagon based in Orlando area
French Toast, Peanut Butter, Banana, Bacon and Strawberry Jam. Yeah that's a lot of flavours but hey when I start doing something I don't
take long to go from simple to relatively complex.
I like a 60-70 VG to 40-30 PG Mix for my liquids, But I do have 1 bottle of 100% VG Candy Cane at 18MG, I gotta say that hits like a tank when I use the Subohm Tank.
So There you have it, I could have just put a hello in the box but I figured I may as well leave some background.
Till next time, Thanks for entertaining me with coil builds, recipes, reviews and all sorts of other information that stops me from falling asleep during meetings at work.

I've Been a smoker for 25 Years, but as I crossed the 4 decade mark I found that smoking was no longer the pleasure i thought it should be. So I tried to give up But I just couldn't give up the dreaded smokes. Move on a few years from then and vaping arrived in a big way

I holiday in the states so whilst there last october I grabbed myself an ego and some various juices. Meh it was OK but not quite what I was looking for. Then a friend saw my setup and thought they would try things, Being as they always needed to go a bit better they came back with a Vamo 15W and a Nautilus tank, Oh my this was so much better. I made my decision and grabbed a bunch of kit when I went back to the states at Christmas and since then have been vaping quite happily. For a while I was still smoking the occasional cigarette but I now haven't had a cig for coming up to 4 weeks. Which for me is a new record.
My Current vaping Kit
Vision Spinner 2 with Aspire K1 BVC (My driving vape)
Eleaf 30W with either Aspire K1 BDC or Tobh 2.5 Clone attachment (My day time vape)
Vamo 40W (Clone??) with Kangertech Subtank (1:1 Clone) (My Evening and long time between refill vape)
For my own coils, Usually go for a dual coil 1.2 Ohm setup in the TOBH using Muji Cotton
For everything else I just buy the Kanger or Aspire replacements, I figure its worth the money

I have various Juices from various different places, Those I can remember are below, Note that flavour is subjective and something I don't like you may think is great

Hangsen 10ml bottles all 18mg nicotine, I got these when I bought the EgoTwist so have had them a while. I learned you mostly get what you pay for.
Hangsen - Mocha (Meh its not the greatest, but it has improved massively with steeping)
Hangsen - Mango - Not Mango at all imho it's very chemical tasting
Hangsen - Chocolate Strawberry (Nope not enjoying this very much, but it did become vapable when I accidentally mixed to menthol)
Hangsen - Cherry mix Cola (Horrible, a totally fake Cola cube taste)
Hangsen - Fruit Mix, Lychee, These are still unopened and I will probably just give to someone as I feel that 18MG is too high a nicotine level
Puff King - 15ml glass bottles with droppers, I got these when I went back to the states in Dec, Not sure why I got them, probably the name

Puff King - 2 Berries (Enjoyable enough but needed to steep for a while, Is improved by adding a touch of Vanilla Shake)
Puff king - Vanilla Shake - As a vape on its own it is just too rich for me, But it is very good at helping other flavours along
Puff king - Pineapple - Nope this is not the pineapple for me, Its not bad but it is more Pineapple kube then fresh pineapple
Nicohit - 11mg - Rhubarb and custard, I got this off of Ebay, wasn't really expecting much at about £1.70 a bottle. But it tastes just like the sweets so has become one of my regular day vapes
Valiant2vape - 10ml all 6 or 8mg nicotine, I don't know how most of these taste other then the Strawberry custard which is very pleasant but a review I saw said it contains Diacetyl

What else, I have a local vape shop in southend, Vape & Juice, I got some of their Rhubarb and custard as I really really like Rhubarb and custard

Lastly I wanted something a little better and going from various reviews I decided to get some 30ML bottles from The Alchemists cupboard
All of these are 0% Nicotine which means I can vape more of them and not get any throat issues and it means that non smokers who are intrigued by the idea of vaping are more inclined to try

American Apple Pie, This is currently my daily vape which I often chase down with the Mocha, When asked why using 2 different pen I just say I need coffee with my Pie

Lychee and Raspberry Sorbet, I really like this one it has a a slight tingle and it makes me think of Refreshers
Vanilla Fudge, It's like taking a chunk of devonshire fudge and just letting it melt in your mouth
Rhubarb and Custard, Anybody seeing a theme

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, If I could only have 1 vape flavour for the rest of my life this one could be it. (Sorry Rhubarb & Custard) Best of all it makes the house smell of freshly baked brownies.
I've also started mixing my own juices, I am currently working on a request from my wife, She calls it the elvis killer, and it is based on the Twisted Elvis from Local Yok'l food wagon based in Orlando area

French Toast, Peanut Butter, Banana, Bacon and Strawberry Jam. Yeah that's a lot of flavours but hey when I start doing something I don't
take long to go from simple to relatively complex.

I like a 60-70 VG to 40-30 PG Mix for my liquids, But I do have 1 bottle of 100% VG Candy Cane at 18MG, I gotta say that hits like a tank when I use the Subohm Tank.

So There you have it, I could have just put a hello in the box but I figured I may as well leave some background.
Till next time, Thanks for entertaining me with coil builds, recipes, reviews and all sorts of other information that stops me from falling asleep during meetings at work.