Got some ingredients last week to make my first DIY liquid.
So far so good, nearly finished off my first 10ml of Capella RY4 from Vapable.
Made them at 8% because that's the strength I've been using recently since ordering from vapour craze.
Used 10% RY4 in my mix and seems fine.
Also made Blackcurrent and Banana from Capella too I think it was. The blackcurrent may have been Vapables own I can't remember.
15% flavour in the mix for them.
I haven't tried them since the day I mixed them but my girlfriend is vaping them and she's said they're good.
I also bought a smooth tobacco and strawberry & cream concentrate but I ran out of PG so it halted production.
Going to order my next batch soon to test those flavours out.
So far so good, nearly finished off my first 10ml of Capella RY4 from Vapable.
Made them at 8% because that's the strength I've been using recently since ordering from vapour craze.
Used 10% RY4 in my mix and seems fine.
Also made Blackcurrent and Banana from Capella too I think it was. The blackcurrent may have been Vapables own I can't remember.
15% flavour in the mix for them.
I haven't tried them since the day I mixed them but my girlfriend is vaping them and she's said they're good.
I also bought a smooth tobacco and strawberry & cream concentrate but I ran out of PG so it halted production.
Going to order my next batch soon to test those flavours out.