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Haku clone on way.

Don't know if you have had the same experience but so far the ytfk clones are very well made. The top caps can often be too well fitted though and can be a sod to drive home.
I shall probably try the gambit at the same time. Seems it could be a good choice for new squonkers as it comes with both steel and pei topcaps as standard and has the now familiar narda/o atty/hadaly ect ect style deck.
Have you tried the new o atty yet. I'm a little behind due to the move.
I shall probably try the gambit at the same time. Seems it could be a good choice for new squonkers as it comes with both steel and pei topcaps as standard and has the now familiar narda/o atty/hadaly ect ect style deck.
Have you tried the new o atty yet. I'm a little behind due to the move.

Not tried the O V2, on my maybe list. Tinkering with bigger attys at the mo.
You're right, YFTK, SXK & Kindbright all seem good.
Ha ha, Haku, Gambit, Odis, Narda, Poseidon, all so similar - but handy little things, I still use lots of 22mm esp for out and about, so as not to scare people when I whip out a Sherman ;)
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