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Hammer by kato. Drip tip help required.


Dec 5, 2013
Hope you all had a brilliant Xmas folks.

I have in my mind a very firm idea of how I want my next mod to look.

I've found someone who actually has GENUINE kato hammers available to order from America. (any pointers to a UK supplier who regularly actually has access to then appreciated)

Now I've already chosen the hammer as the basis for my next mod BUT I can't find the drip tip I want. It's a long, slender, slightly curved metal pipe stem style drip tip and I remember seeing one but not where. I obviously didn't bookmark it at the time and now I can't find it.

I know this seems random and not that important but it will finish the look I want perfectly.

I've chosen the mod and know where to get one (in a pinch, I'd rather not pay US shipping). I know which atomiser the hammer will be wearing I just can't find this damn tip!

Help! Please!

It's the final piece of the puzzle. With Xmas done and dusted I can now get on with my next shiny :)

Many thanks. That's almost,but not quite "it". I've bookmarked that one though. From memory the tip wasn't as bulbous and apart from being made of brushed metal it looked closer to an actual pipe stem. Thanks though! Thats 90% there and will at least mean I can get the ball rolling. I'm so anal about these things it's untrue.

I know that feeling @Mason, that's why I make all my own wooden and acrylic drip tips now :D

Don't like the metal drip tips at all ;)

EDIT: Always looking for ideas so if I see something similar will post the link for you :)
I just have have a very exact look in mind for this one. I'm not in a rush (good job as the hammer on its own is $250! )

I don't think it's this one, but thought I would post it anyways incase :)
Maybe this one from fasttech...... drip tip.jpg
Two more good options. Thanks again! I'm sure the one I saw had less of an "elbow" and more of a smooth curve. It definitely had a brushed finish not shiny. Still these are close and would still do the whole chunky then smooth pipe look. Just love that hammer mod! As do many it seems.

I think that may be the one. I'll have a closer look and bookmark. Cheers!

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