Hi, I cant taste a bloody thing, I can smell the juice but cannot taste anything at all,
any suggestions how to waken my taste buds again please???
Thanks Izzy
This taste bud desensitivity is the only downside to vaping I've found and a real PITA. All the above will work, but the best thing is to find at least three vapeable juices and rotate them. I'm still on the hunt for a third!
Before Heston Blumenthal tastes a new dish he sucks on a tampon, i read this the other day. Now i haven't tried this so cannot recommend it from personal experience.
Ha ha ha ha lol, wont be trying that in a hurry!!!!!!!!
PS omg just googled it, didnt believe you , hell sh*t its true!!!
maybe I will try it, dry of course as he says!!!!!!!