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Review HCigar HB DNA40


Oct 17, 2013
Well, after reading through that really long thread on another forum and watching Todds review I thought I would take the plunge and order.

Ordered Saturday, arrived this morning. Brilliant service from Vape Geeks ☺

Right, first impressions...

I opened the packet and straight away saw the plastic box it comes in was severely cracked and broken! Royal mail parcel handling at its best then. So I was apprehensive about what condition the mod would be in.

Luckily the plastic case and bubble wrap had done their job and the mod was in perfect condition.

The first thing that struck me was that the device looks a lot better in the flesh than it does in pictures. The black one looks really slick with just one tiny logo in the bottom right corner. Good start then.

From the second I lifted it from the box I realised that the button placement is sheer genius! Your thumb just lands there by default when you hold it. It looks like an odd place the put the fire button but trust me, it just works, left or right handed, brilliant.

In goes the battery and the first thing I notice is the door on mine has a tiny little bit of side to side play in it at the bottom. I can live with that easily considering the price point for a genuine DNA40 device. After turning the device on I notice that the screen is quite dim, it does brighten up when you fire it but it also looks hazy. The tinted plastic screen protector really should have been clear, at least over the display anyway. However this said you can easily read what the screen is displaying.

I've played with all the features of the DNA40 board and they all work, not surprisingly as it is a genuine chip! The only thing I haven't tried is temp control (still waiting for my Ni200 wire coming).

It's very tidy inside, no hot glue everywhere, and the fix that Vape Geek have done themselves for the 'weak battery' issue, has been done fairly well (the fact they are doing it at all means they have listened and read the thread about the issue, well done).

The box is well made and the buttons feel nice. In his review Todd said his didn't play well with flat top batteries. Mine however is working absolutely fine with flat tops and they fit snug too.

I have screwed on and off different atomisers to check whether the 510 connection spins inside (another reported issue) by opening the cover and looking for any movement and mine isn't spinning at all, cool.

The offset 510 connection is only noticeable if you are looking for it, in use you definitely can't tell it's not in the middle.

Overall it is performing as I would expect it too and I haven't noticed any weird behaviour from the chip or any other part of the device. As a DNA40 device I would say it's not just good for the price, it's good full stop. You can pay near enough what these cost for a cloupor box mod or a clone Hana DNA40 with a cloned chip. It's a no brainer for me, buy one of these. It's not a clone and it has authentic Evolve guts inside covered by Evolve's warranty.

I will post my findings in temp control mode once my wire arrives.

Here are the pics...





Any chance you could do a pic of it in hand? I still can't get my head around how the hell that fire button is use able
The button falls right at the side of your thumb.

Right handed

Left handed

I adjusted to it instantly.
Just a quick update on the device.

Now I've had a few days to play with it everything I said in the original review still stands, apart from the screen. It is nowhere near bright enough outside in daylight. You really struggle to see anything at all.

This isn't a deal breaker for me though as once I've set my settings they usually stay put.

My Ni200 wire came today from StealthVape so I've had a chance to play with temperature control/protection now too. I have to say now that I've experienced it, ill never use anything without it now. Its just so foolproof, especially when dripping. If you forget to drip at any point there's no more worrying about burning your wick (and your lungs out )

Another thing I'll add is that the tempered Ni200 wire from StealthVape is bloody awesome to work with, its no different to kanthal really.

Overall this device has been the best vaping purchase I've ever made, it hasn't missed a beat or shown any strange behaviour at all, and I'm not disappointed in any way with it. I just wish the display was clear and not smoked
Mine came through yesterday, had a bit of a play over the last 12hrs and I have to say it's a nice little mod.
The button placement is something to get used to but by no means awkward,
No button rattle
Strong magnets on the door
Yes the display is quite dim but that's pretty much the only con I can find at the moment,

One small con vs one massive pro - its a genuine evolv dna40 for less than 100 quid.
I can live with the dim display :thumbup:
Well I've had the same ni200 0.16 ohm coil in my kf4 for 5 days now. I've just taken a look at it and it's still clean with minimal discolouration.

If it had been a kanthal coil my mixture of vaping custards and banana liquids usually has them pretty much ready for a dry burn every 3 days.

Very impressed
I can only confirm what those other ones has said in this thread. It`s a great mod,, and the TP isamazing. Love it. Had it for four weeks now, and the first coil is runnig lke a champ With now gunk on it yet. And that smoked screen is no problem IMO. But I have not used it outside yet.
Iconsiderto by anoher one, but it would be great ith the biger screen. I boght mine fam sweet-vaes in US. Where can I buy in the UK?
I can only confirm what those other ones has said in this thread. It`s a great mod,, and the TP isamazing. Love it. Had it for four weeks now, and the first coil is runnig lke a champ With now gunk on it yet. And that smoked screen is no problem IMO. But I have not used it outside yet.
Iconsiderto by anoher one, but it would be great ith the biger screen. I boght mine fam sweet-vaes in US. Where can I buy in the UK?

Regulated Devices

A top vendor too.
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