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hello 5/26/14


New Member
May 26, 2014
Hello, I am Michael 43 from Florida. I've been vapeing a Vission Spinner 1300 with a mini protank2 v2 for about a year now with flamethrower and just picked up my firdt mini protank3 3 weeks ago and awaiting my new spinner 1650. I quit smoking camal non filter 2p a day back in 1992 but after buying a couple vapors for some gf's of mine i liked the taste of the flamethrower with just 11mg as it taste like a cinnamon fireball without the sugar.
Hiya and welcome to the planet. Who is flamethrower made by? Certainly sounds interesting :)
Welcome to the planet & congrats on the girlfriends. One is good, more than that ! What's your advice ?
Hi and welcome to the planet

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