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Apr 17, 2015
Hi All

failed vaper back for a 2nd attempt. here. 1 week on and im getting a little tired of the juice flavours i have found i can stomach..

So far the only flavours i can vape are the LiQuid Lemon sherbet, and vampire vape heizenburg..

i could really use some pointers to alternative juice flavours, i have drawers full of juice and flavours i have taken a punt on without any success.

thanks in advance..
First off, hello and welcome! There's a lot of us been where you are and failed on the first go and I know what it's like to try loads of liquids and not find any you like.
I'd take my recommendations with a pinch of salt if I were you as I think Heisenberg is absolutely foul!! Anyway, I tend towards tobacco based juice like Manabush and Prime Vapes but away from that my fruity fav is Clara-T by T-Juice.
Others may well be way more helpful ha ha.
Worth trying without flavour.
I assume you are looking for an alternative to fags.
Flavourless is not yummy but it is an ok way to adminester nicotine to your system.
You will almost certainly like it better than that drawer full of flavours you did not like.

Some of that drawer of failed flavours might be ok when added in small amounts to flavourless juice.
Having spent the last week trying to convince myself I like custards ( I don't), it's easier to work out the flavour profiles you actually like. I'm more into fruits, tobacco's and mints, not fussed over bakeries either. So when you can narrow it down you can select something that actually appeals to your palate.
Hi fil and :welcome2: to the planet.

Firstly my experience of buying flavours from LiQuid is that most of their flavours, although they are cheap, I found nearly all of them pretty flavourless. The only juice I ever really liked from them was their Cloud No 3 which was a mix of coffee, vanilla, coconut and chocolate.

The second point is that the amount of flavour does depend a lot on the type of device you are using. A good sub-ohm tank will give off way more flavour than MTL plus-ohm in my experience.

If you're not yet ready to try building coils and need a good tank with stock coils I'd go for something like the Freemax Mesh Pro.

You may well find then that many of those juices you already have will spring to life and taste so much better. A sub-ohm tank does require you to run it at a higher wattage so you'll need a mod that's powerful enough.

In terms of flavours there are tons of places online that sell some nice juices at a reasonable price but if you have a think about the kind of device you want to use you may well be able to use up the juices you already have.
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Thing with vaping is it is absolutely personal, what works for one person won't for another. I personally find I get more flavour from MTL than I do DL but others differ and as @MarylinC37 said the setup can make a huge difference. I used a fair few devices with mods and tanks until I found what worked for me. Are you vaping MTL or DL? What setup do you currently have?
Cheers chaps, @ForestMagpie your probably right when it comes to taking advice, Clara-T - YUK!! ;) but its also worth a shot asking ;)
The Hiezenburg i vape perhaps every 15 puffs as a palette annihilator before returning to the lemon..

@oldhippydude Im afraid its spliff thats my downfall i have not smoked a fag in years but i have used 3-4 a day for well over 40 yrs
I appreciate its NOT A TOPIC for discussion in here and only mention it to clarify my position. sorry mids if i have raised a flag.. ( i do miss unmoderated newsgroups at times like this...)

However i will mix up some flavourless juice pdq i had never even considered that, i have litres of pre TPD nic concentrate in the bottom of the freezer so if that works im gonna be a very happy bunny,
more wise words thanks..
to clarify i tend to vape MTL on TC mods dna40/200. snowwolf, evic VTC-min, smok treebox. etc. with tanks like the goblin lemo2 and kanger subtanks..
and also with drippers mostly with nickle200 wire and pre bought coils in the subtanks. kanthal on the gobilns and lemos due to deck size..

I think i threw cash at the vaping last time round to increase my investment and hopefully invoke my inner tightwad to keep me on the path..
the upshot being i am well provided for this time round even if it didnt work out quite to plan..
circa 8x original authentic tanks 3-4? x authentic drippers the rest are cheapo fasttech/gearbest clones..

can u spot the 3x that didnt get cleaned properly (dusty tops...)
Hi and welcome back to the community. I mainly use Primevapes and Manabush. Many great flavours to choose from.
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