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Hello all, Vet Vaper, but new to this forum.


Dec 24, 2018
How's it going all?

I've been vaping for a long time. I started with E-cigs, graduated to mech mods and Zenesis tanks, then VV RTA's like Kayfun's, and now VW and Kanger Subtanks. For the last 5 years, I've been happy with a standard set of rigs (iStick 40W & Kangertech Subtanks.) When I find something I like, I get 5 of them and spread them out all over the place (at home, work, in the car), so that I'm never without a full tank and bat, wherever I am. So, I haven't really been on any forums in a long time. There was no need. I was in my non-changing, stable, and happy place with my vape.

For some reason, you could call it the "Five Year Itch", I want something new. It feels, to me, like I'm getting a divorce and trying to get back in the dating game. I find myself browsing product pages and reviews like I'm on a dating site, looking for the next match. I'm just shopping for something new to keep me satisfied for another 5 years, but so much has changed, I'm not up with the times, and there so many young products to try. But, I have no idea where to start.

I read an article about the best Vaping Forums. ECF, Vape Underground, Reddit, and this one were listed. For a quite a while, I was a Vet member of ECF, but that was a long time past. I'm not into Reddit, and VU didn't sound right for me. When I read about POTV, I though, "This might be a good place to call home for a while." So, I'm here.

Just to let you know, I'm a cowboy hat wearing, boot kicking, American. So, I hope I'm welcome in your forum from across the pond. If you don't type with a silly accent, I'll try my best to type in my best Queen's English.

I'm going to have a look around and hope I can find the appropriate location to pose my queries.

Thanks, in advance, for the help and guidance.
Festive greetings to you over the pond....
us limeys are just regular down to earth vapers tbh

ps - I'm the same, find something that works & buy a few of them
(always got 2 or 3 on the go/standby = I've put 1 or 2 down and can't remember where atm)

Welcome to POTV
Hi and welcome to the community. Happy Christmas and hope you enjoy your stay here.
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