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Hello everyone on the potv


New Member
Oct 16, 2012
Just like to say hello to all you good people, I've been vaping for just over a week now and loving it, I've already got a did atty on order and should be dropping through the door any day now.....I think at the moment I may be spending more than I did on the cigs but the benefits are worth it.....bye for now
Hi Jimbob, welcome to the forum - it sounds like you made the switchover pretty easily ?
Welcome jimbob it may seem you're spending more but rest assured in the long run it will save you a fortune
Welcome Jimbob, another vaping leaner here :D only started 6 days ago
Hiya! The spending evens out once the novelty wears off and you find the sort of set up you like. You think how expensive ciggies are-it doesn't take long to start saving (or having a great collection of gear!)
Hi Jimbob, welcome to the forum. If you want to learn to mix, what equipment to buy or just make friends, you've found the right place. If you put alot in, your going to get alot out! Happy Vaping
Heya jimbob, welcome.

Like all of us, you probably will be spending a lot more, in the beginning, but once you found what works best for you, it'll work out cheaper.

Me and my partner have started vaping not too long ago, and it's all a learning curb. I found what I like, so basically all I need is my juice, and the juice works out way cheaper than cigarettes or tobacco, and it is healthier, as you're leaving out all the toxins.

As we all know, you cant put a price tag on your health.
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