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Jun 22, 2014
Hi, my names Megan... Recently went from smoking 30 a day to smoking 3 due to E-cigs. My boyfriend loves this site so i thought id sign up too. Currently using a vision spinner and waiting on my protank to come. Favorite liquid - black gold from joosejuice!
Hi @ meganregan94 - welcome to PotV! That is one hell of a reduction from 30 to 3, nice one :D

So what are your plans to consign the last three to history?
Nice to meet you :)

I started on about 15 a day and dropped to 4 overnight with my first ego kit, I stopped entirely about 3 weeks later. If you take things at your own pace it can be remarkably easy and stress free, which couldn't be said for any of my previous attempts. Currently on the hunt for the most ladylike set up I can find which doesn't compromise performance.

Welcome to the gang :)
Thanks Everyone

Thanks everyone for the lovly welcome messages. I am trying to cut the fags out completly but struggle mosly in the morning and after meals . Ill get there though :2thumbsup:
You could consider a tank with a higher nic juice that you reserve for just those times of day.
For me the key was flavour. I found mint and menthol juices in the morning were a terrible idea, my worst cravings were post toothpaste and menthol juices made them worse.
I now use Tjuice Green Steam in the mornings. Oddly I actually don't like the juice later in the day, but first thing it works a treat and somehow tastes different.
:2thumbsup: Hello Meg, Nice to meet you Love!!!
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