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Hello Fellow Vape Fans!


Sep 19, 2017
Good morning/afternoon all (where ever you are in the world)

I have been vaping for over 2 years now and always read this forum, so thought it was about time a said hello! So...hello!

Currently on a Smok Alien, Aspire Cleito 0.2 @ 58w and on the dinner lady strawberry custard. Lovely vape. My favourite to this day remains Dinner Lady Lemon Tart.

So I was looking online and found a vape called Anml Unleashed (Gorilla) flavor. Anyone had experience with this? I have 6 bottles calling me, but have half a bottle left of the dinner lady.

Look forward to chatting to you all all. Keep on Vaping!
Have you tried the Strawberry custard, that is nice too! Expensive tastes hey!
Hi and welcome.
Would vape strawberry custard all day long if I could justify £15 for 30ml.
It wasn't just my health made me switch it was the health of my bank balance buy hey great juice.
Hi @Locky and welcome to the forum.

You may get more chance of an answer about the liquid you asked about within the new users questions section or find a review for it using the search function... sure someone has tried it at some point.

FYI... if you haven't seen the banner at the top of the every page... we are currently doing a charity raffle.... details on how to enter, the cause and the prizes on offer are available through the links on the banner itself.

Last I checked there was 64 prizes.... all of which I believe have at least one mod and one atty.... generously donated by members and vendors.... check it out if you get a chance.
Hello @Locky, Nice to meet you Mate !!!
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