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Hello From Somerset UK


Jul 13, 2014
Hi all just wanted to say hello from somerset im a newbie pretty much at all of this new stuff ..so dont get all tech with me heheh :p
Hi and welcome :grin2:

You can go as teccy or as unteccy as you want here. Thats the beauty of vaping - you can choose to vape and go or you can turn it into an all consuming hobby. Its up to you.
Nice to meet you :)

If you get stuck on anything just ask, everyone here is happy to answer even the most basic questions, we all started somewhere :)

Hey welcome to POTV hope you enjoy your stay here :D

Thank you all for the welcome :) as i have a dear hobby with marine keeping this one hopefully will be a cheaper one :/ lol
Maybe i was wrong... My brothers all went to vape and all doing very well so its my turn :D
3rd time lucky

Thank you all for the welcome :) this is 3rd time lucky i replyed to this thread lol im a newbie but not get on new forums lol
Your first two posts get moderated so they don't appear on the board straight away. ;)
:2thumbsup: Hello @LillyHD85, Nice to meet you!!!
Aloha man, you get used to some of the more common terms pretty quick but if you have any questions just ask someone is usually able to help
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