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Hello, home at last....


Jul 3, 2013
Hi, I'm a 59 yr old female, stopped smoking nearly ten years ago-but never gave up the nicotine!
I made my way to vaping via an expensive nicotine gum addiction, Oliver Twist and finally snus ( love it but have struggled when delivery from Sweden via various EU countries was taking anything between 5 days and 2 weeks)
Got my first ego kit and soon killed the clearos so am using the batteries with Vivi Novas with adapters. Very fond of Vapestore's gold and silver.
Have tried rebuilding the CE4s but after the first success I'm now getting constant shorts/ hot spots:(
Welcome Sabre!
Good to see you've made the switch :)
When recoiling, what method are you using?
Hiya and welcome. Vaping has to be the most fun way of dealing with nicotene addiction :)
I use 5 coils of .2 Kanthal on 2mm wick, got a great glow on the first one but then I think I either crossed over the wires or damaged the silcone sleeve, or got the coils too close or had them touching the tube,, but don't worry-I'm having great fun and will keep trying!
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