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Jul 28, 2013
Hi I'm Kevin wanted to say hello to everyone. I didn't used to smoke only the very odd occasion so I bought my self an ego pass through then I bought a spinner I use evod with that I also have a mini viva nova and CE5. CE5 isn't the best I like my evod but when I get my mini viva nova posted I will give it a go. But I need a plinth so you don't see no gap.

Welcome, Kevin.
Hello all, I am Georgia Smith. I live in Birmingham and I use e cigarettes
Hi all,

Been lurking for a while and finally decided to join. I'm not a smoker myself but my hubby is, and I wanted to get him to switch to vaping instead of smoking.
Vaping is all new to me, so thanks for your patience, I want to get my partner a vaping kit and some e-juices, but don't know where to start. If you vape can you suggest a good kit to get, what are the best vapourizers on the market right now?

Also with regards to e-juice, when you first started did you stick with the tobacco flavoured ones? I don't think my partner is going to like smoking bubblegum or fruit flavours, but who knows...

Which is your favourite e-juice / e-liquid flavour.
What diluent do you use, I am really confused over PG, VG, PEG and what concentrations are good, the choice online seems over whelming.

he smokes golden virginia rolling baccy, around 25 grams a week. I want to buy him a e-cig and a good e-juice that he would enjoy.
Also what concentration of nicotine do you use / prefer. What is a good concentration to buy as a gift for someone who smokes reguarly.

While searching online and watching you tube vids, I keep hearing about the sweet spot, I think this is the throat hit you get because of
the nicotine, is that correct or is the sweet spot to do with the diluent or the voltage of the e-cig batteries, sorry to bombard you
with all these questions .

thanks for reading, and hello from cambridge ,

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