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Hello World


New Member
May 21, 2014
Hey all, Quit smoking almost 2 years ago, started vaping about a year ago\

Looking more into modding. ive made both an okr-t10 and a naos raptor VV mod.

Looking for some ideas for a 3D printed box!
Hi ya and welcome to POTV.

Stick some photos up for us of your work so we can oooo and ahhh over it :D
Welcome to the planet.

And yeah. What Miss Peps says.

Photos please.
Welcome to the POTV. Encouraging entry post, let's see those mods, nothings too shabby for this place.

Sent front my pocket brain using planet of the vapes mobile app.
Welcome to the planet. We have quite an enthusiastic modder scene here so you'll find many kindred spirits here. For the rest of us, it's always great to see what a real craftsman can do. Can't wait to see some pictures :)
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