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Mar 3, 2014

Newbie here, been lurking around a few different forums the last couple weeks, decided I like the feel of this place the most, so here I am. I've been vapeing for about 18 months, starting on a crappy e-lite, which quickly broke but got me interested, then onto a riva and carto set up, then ego twists and clearomisers which i still use a lot, and right now i've got an itaste vtr right next to me. Which I love.

When i'm not vapeing and/or running my business, i'm usually at the beach surfing or sat on a rock with a fishing rod, trying to catch my dinner.

So, nice to meet you all.
Hiya and welcome :-)
Hi Astro, and welcome from a fellow newbie (Well, forum newbie anyway). I haven't been vaping long enough to have an opinion, but my vaping "expert" husband talks about clearomizers like they're the new hotness. I'm not sure why, because he wouldn't say no to an iTaste. As I get heavier into the game, I'm sure he's going to sound less like James May talking about fuel mileage, and more like something that makes sense to me. it's thanks to him I have the awesome (for me) setup I have. :)
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