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Hello :)


Apr 24, 2014

Just thought id introduce myself before posting elsewhere, so hello :D

Back story, 23 years old, started smoking at around 16/17, tried a cheap ego setup from a market about 2 years ago, lasted about 6 weeks but then i lost it and started smoking again. Then about new year time i thought id try again and this time go all out. Having a background in AV and car audio equipment i have a solid understanding of OHMs and resistance so my first order included a Vamo, a protank, a kayfun and a nemesis clone. I thought that given my background and the fact i smoked rollies it would help to have something for my hands to do in the process, so mods and rebuildables would help with that. And so far i'm really enjoying playing with things and fine tuning everything.

Started about 4/5 months ago and haven't touched a real cigarette since the night before my gear arrived, after a week i even threw out my pouch of baccy, filters, lighters the lot so i couldn't just grab one (even though in that week not once was i even tempted). Spending nearly every night watching reviews and reading forums for advice (to gain knowledge and also to find things id like to treat myself to come payday) and loving every second of it. My collection has grown somewhat since then but at this moment in time i have the vamo with a Aerotank onit filled with blueberry 18mg from TheVaporMan (my daily) and a patriot on my nemesis in 18350 mode that im dripping some samples into from a local shop.

Anyway, thanks for listening, and i look forward to getting to know a few of you.

Thank you, just getting accustom with where things are :)
Doesn't take long to settle in and find your way a round but if you get stuck at all just yell cos we are all very helpful over here :)
Doesn't take long to settle in and find your way a round but if you get stuck at all just yell cos we are all very helpful over here :)

I have noticed that just browsing before signing up everyone seems very friendly, not like the car forums i frequent.

Sorry about the double post, i didnt realise a mod would need to allow the comment i just thought it didnt post.

See learning things already! :)
:welcome1: Hello, Nice to meet you and enjoy yourself!!!
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