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Help finding a new DTL pod system


Jul 25, 2018
Hey there, I need some help and who better to turn to than you clever bunch!

I’m looking for something similar to a AsVape Micro Pod system - something small like that that I can DTL without making me cough too much, but ideally about half the price (around the £20 mark) as I just can’t afford that right now, I’ve borrowed a friends at the mo and I love it, it’s great!

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations? I’ve been somewhat out of the vaping game but desperately need to get back into it. Thanks in advance x
Thank you all so much for your replies!! I’ll gave a good look through these tomorrow. Can all of the above be DTL’d?

Having that AsVape in my hand all evening has meant I haven’t lit a cigarette at all so I may just end up going for that (great find on price btw, thanks Cozy!) but thanks to an expensive car repair and Christmas not too far away money is *really* tight right now. I’ll sleep on it and have a good read through of everything tomorrow. Thank you again you wonderful bunch x
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