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Help needed E-Farting like rip tripper?


May 19, 2017
Thinking e Salts maybe the answer, as systemic of long hours vaping flavour hitting or worse the more cloud chasing seems to set up a more combustable situation.
Anyone had the same issues?
So you’re saying that your getting rapturous amounts of bottom burping because of your cloud chasing?
Is an E-Fart deemed as seriously close to one shitting one's pants..... a sphincter scale rating is required here in order to further assist....pics of your build could also be useful:D
On a earthquake scale it would be 5 up to a power of 9, Thinking the esalt liquid I just ordered will be the answer to the long hours dragging build up, apart from this I am very physicaly healthy.

Hopefully I won't need a diploma on the subject matter.

I will post how I get along with exalts liquid?
Why do you think salt nic will be less likely to cause chronic flatulence? I’ve never ever heard this.
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I play a tune on the old fart Trumpet most nights in bed according to Mrs Jon the Vape when I'm asleep. Doesn't bother me but she's not impressed. [emoji33][emoji33]
I'm unsure exactly what you mean, have you noticed that flatulence has increased since you started vaping, or do you want to increase your gas levels for some reason using vaping?

If it is the first, when you quit smoking a pretty common side effect is changes in that area, wether it be constipation or more/less gas.

If it is the second, I don't know what to advise. There are other ways of making people move out of your home, not just increasing your farts till they have to leave for fear of their life.
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