So, I used an e-cig a while back, which used these small cartomitizer things. I had to buy a lot of these carts, and they were expensive.
Down the road, I've decided to just completely switch off ciggy's, and been doing research on this vaping thing.
I am genuinely lost. Is there someone who can just give me a link to an awesome kit, that provides everything (good quality, mind you, money isn't that much of an issue).
And also please point me towards the cheapest e-liquid available.
(I am in the UK, I am totally willing to buy, right now).
So please, contact me, or reply here. Just want an awesome looking set-up, no hassle with what the hell goes on what, and some liquid.
Please help!
Down the road, I've decided to just completely switch off ciggy's, and been doing research on this vaping thing.
I am genuinely lost. Is there someone who can just give me a link to an awesome kit, that provides everything (good quality, mind you, money isn't that much of an issue).
And also please point me towards the cheapest e-liquid available.
(I am in the UK, I am totally willing to buy, right now).
So please, contact me, or reply here. Just want an awesome looking set-up, no hassle with what the hell goes on what, and some liquid.
Please help!