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Hey, new and addicted to buying vape stuff

Lisa Bolton

Sep 16, 2021
I've been seeing what I like. Started with a Smok P5 last year and in the last couple of months bought a couple more Pod kits. An Artery AK47 and an Innokin Sensis kit. Keep seeing others I want lol. Costing more than fags
Hi Lisa, welcome to POTV, yes i thought vaping would be cheaper than the stinkies too but the vaping bug gets a grip of you.
Hi and welcome.

It costs about the same if you're constantly buying new gear, the positive is you have something to show for it rather than an ashtray full of fag ends and ash.
Hi @Lisa Bolton

Yup welcome to the rabbit hole , to potv and to vaping.

I think like a lot of folk here vaping turns into a bit of a hobby and a passion. But your lungs will be better for it .

Enjoy the journey
I've been seeing what I like. Started with a Smok P5 last year and in the last couple of months bought a couple more Pod kits. An Artery AK47 and an Innokin Sensis kit. Keep seeing others I want lol. Costing more than fags
hi I'm new to vaping and this site. Only been vaping for about 6 weeks now. I've found that I'm spending a lot of money on e liquid must have 40 plus bottles( trying to find the holy grail still not got there yet) . I'm using vaporesso Orca Plus and pockex not hard core yet! Trying to get off the smokes.
Was a 30 a day roll up habit.
Wonder if anyone can help? I've noticed that when I blow my nose my snot is white! Haha!! never was before I started vaping.. Is this normal?
I am vaping a lot though. Going through maybe 4 ml a day.
trying to find the holy grail still not got there yet

If you haven't already, you could try manabush (my holy grail = spiritwalker chiri) or druids brew. Both different, more grown up flavours.

Never had white snot tbh, not from vaping anyway. 4ml / day is not so much. About my level, but there are a few regulars on 20ml or over.
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