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Hi All My Names Jesse Maitland And I'm From South Pheonix AZ And I'm Using The Smok Mag18

Oct 8, 2023
I really love it . It's 230 Watt it's it's amazing it blows big old clouds . I love it doesn't do temperatures or anything ; but it's a good starter bait for me . I really can't handle it at 230 watts I do it about 140 160 usually And MAN DO I GOTTA OPEN THE WINDOWS BIG CLOUDS .

There you are :22:

Enjoy your time on the forum :2thumbsup:
I really love it . It's 230 Watt it's it's amazing it blows big old clouds . I love it doesn't do temperatures or anything ; but it's a good starter bait for me . I really can't handle it at 230 watts I do it about 140 160 usually And MAN DO I GOTTA OPEN THE WINDOWS BIG CLOUDS .
Welcome from another, ahem....., :27:.....smok fan.
But not that high wattage.
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